Exercises - (240 total points, 30 points each)- Eight exercises will be assigned during class which will test your ability and to apply what you have learned. Some class time will be available for you to work on your exercise and for me to aid you and answer your questions. You will have two weeks to complete each exercise. Late exercises will drop a full grade (an A will become a B). All exercises are absolutely due by the end of class on the last day of classes before finals week.
Projects - (300 total points, 100 points each). During the session, you will complete three projects (in addition to the final project). Instructions will be given for these projects ahead of schedule so that you can begin to think and observe for ideas. They will be graded on difficulty, creativity, quality, and impression. Take the concepts you have learned, and let your creativity go. In Photoshop, the only limit is your imagination. Some class time will be available for you to work on your project and for me to aid you and answer your questions. You will have two weeks to complete each project. Late projects will drop a full grade (an A will become a B). All projects are absolutely due by the end of class on the last day of classes before finals week.
If you files are too large for Canvas
If your Project files are too large for Canvas to handel (15 MBs), please ask me for my flash drive and copy them there. When submitting your project don't try to attach any files, just comment in the space provided that you copied your files to my flash drive.
Final Project - (100 points). This will be your final exam, due on Final Exam day. Use all you have learned to create a masterpiece all your own and present it to the class.
Attendance - (100 points). Participation in this class is extremely important. This grade will be based on your presence in class, your commitment to using the entire time given for in-class exercises, and your positive involvement in class discussions and activities. Five points will be deducted for each absence up to three. After that ten points will be deducted. Tardies after 10 minutes will be considered absences. Failing to sign in will be considered an absence. I presume that all absences are valid excused absences – otherwise one would surely have been in class. Because of this I do not need written or oral excuses. All that matters is that you were not in class. Being absent 25% of the class sessions before the "last day to withdrawal with a W" date will result in automatic failure or you may be administratively withdrawn from the course. Being absent on the first three days of class will result in being administratively withdrawn from the course.
Plagiarism - Falsely representing work that you did not complete is plagiarism. If you are caught handing in work that is not your own you will fail the class.
Grading Scale:
A+ = 98 - 100%
A = 94 - 97%
A- = 91 - 93%
B+ = 88 - 90%
B = 84 - 87%
B- = 81 - 83%
C+ = 78 - 80%
C = 74 - 77%
C- = 71 - 73%
D = 67 - 70%
D- = 65 - 66%
F = 64% and below